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A: Instead of installing ComponentOne Studio, try ComponentOne Desktop Architect. It has all the tools you need. The Ever Expanding Android Universe The following are some of the latest developments in the world of Android Fresh off the development success that Google and the Android ecosystem have been experiencing, Google has announced a number of new initiatives aimed at further diversifying the Android ecosystem. Google's new initiative, called "Let's Make Android", will focus on building out the Android ecosystem by actively promoting, supporting, and participating in open source software and open source hardware communities. The past year has seen major strides in the adoption of Android-powered devices. According to Google's latest report on the Android ecosystem, there were 7.3 million Android devices activated during the fourth quarter of 2012. In addition to the number of devices being actively used, Google notes that the Android ecosystem had more than 245 billion app installations in 2012. In addition to the increase in the number of devices being used, a recent report by EMarketer revealed a total market share of smartphones in the United States that has been steadily increasing in 2012. The report notes that Android smartphones surpassed 50 percent of all smartphones sold in the United States, representing the first time that any platform has achieved this level of market dominance in the United States. Google also notes that the Android ecosystem is growing at a pace that is outpacing the growth of the overall mobile market. Google explains that the growth of the Android ecosystem is due to a combination of the number of phones being sold, as well as the number of apps being downloaded on these devices. Google is using its existing resources, as well as expanding those resources, to help promote the Android ecosystem. The company is already strongly committed to supporting the open source community, which has made the Android ecosystem what it is today. To this end, Google is looking to expand and diversify the Android ecosystem by supporting the development of more open source tools, platforms, and communities. These tools, platforms, and communities will help developers and users better develop, distribute, and use their apps on Android-powered devices. As the number of Android devices grows, it is important that the Android ecosystem continues to grow with the overall growth of the mobile market. The success of the Android ecosystem will not only be determined by the number of devices being used, but also by the number of apps that are available on these devices. The diverse nature of the Android ecosystem will make the be359ba680

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